Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The hidden factors for fashion trends

          "Vintage style" usually refers to clothing that imitates the style of a previous era. But in eyewear it is something beyond old fashion. It is the recycle of materials!

          Have you notice that each fashion trend in eyewear is based on a different material? If you are a final consumer you can barely see this. But if you are an insider of the industry you definately see clearly the facts.
          The materials that are used  for each trend and fashion style each decade in the recent past was a clear mirror of the values of the society.

          In 50's and 60's the main material for eyewear was plastic. But why plastic? It is the period with the fast expansion of new oil products like plastic. The industry is based on this cheap raw material. During this period the trend makers try to improve the eyewear products by giving new styles and making combinations with the clothes.
          In 70's & 80's oil gets more expensive therefore the manufacturers are heading for other raw materials and mainly for metal alloys with materials of easy supply and strong durability like steel and nickel. The metal fashion is expanding in order to achieve a lighter and more modular product. Many patents have been invented during this period as the metal parts give more opportunitites for research.
          In 90's the freestyle design give the opportunity to combine metal and plastic. China enters the international economy and from the late of 90's becomes the #1 manufacturer worldwide. The same problems that occured in other markets like clothes and shoes started to show in eyewear industry. The low cost production becomes the cheap quality production. Quality is sacrifized for internaitonal profits taking advantage of the low cost labour in China.
          In the new millenium the ecological problems are taking strong position. Now the material has to be eco-friendly. New materials take more share in the market like wood, natural plastic with less oil share in the alloy. Less chemical and more ecological coatings.
          After 13 years in the millenium today we have the plastic raw material to rule the marker so far. Oil is still in fashion, but in order to achieve high quality which is the issue of these days, the material that is used is not made only from oil. Wood, oil and other friendly chemicals are combined to create a known material from the past but in high demand nowadays, Celluloise Acetate.
          After this short historical review it is obvious that fashion trends are guided by other factors than fashion that the end consumer does not know at all.

         What could be the next fashion trend till 2020? Oil heads up and gets more expensive. If we study the circles of fashion materials chronologically we will notice that metallic materials are expected to show up soon. But what could be the reason for this to happen? Is it only the cost of oil?
          No it isn't. The main reason for this change would be technology. Electronics is the future of eyewear industry and electronics used conductors and semiconductors. In order to be compatible and energy sustainable the materials that should be used cannot be plastic. As we all know plastic is suffering from high temperatures. So the electronic industry is expected to change the way eeywear industry is thinking!
          The best example is Google's the Glass Project but i am sure that they will follow more high-end brand names.


  1. I super agree with this article.. That's life and pretty soon we can also have our own discovery of fashion that can trend all over the world :)

    Manhattan eye doctors

  2. Hello there Angel, that's what people always said "Bring back the old era", even if were happy of our living and our comfortable life with high technologies but we still wanted to have something from the past and that's what fashion did. And I wanna thanks fashion icon for giving us so much ideas and confidence about it.

    Eye doctors East Side NY

  3. I have noticed the last couple of months that the vintage style of glasses is coming back into style. I don't have glasses, but my sister does and she needs a new pair of glasses. She wants to get a pair of vintage glasses.

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