Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ecological Materials ==> The new trend?

In a world that everyone thinks green and eco-friendly and all future research is based in ecological practises, the eyewear industry should not stay away from the field of the eco-battle.
Energy is getting green and many new materials have managed to substitute other materials which pollute the environment. I have not noticed any major improvement till now in the eyewear production and i believe that it;s about time to see the first steps from the big players, Luxottica & Safilo.
There are people who seek for eco-friendly sunglasses and eco-friendly spectacles. Who will manage to make the first move.
Till now we have the natural horn material which is a very interesting material for the eyewear industry, but the colors and the varnish they still use is inappropriate. But what exactly are we waiting from the industry?
  1. Packaging materials should be driven all 100% in ecological materials.
  2. Replace several materials that are oil products with more ecological and recyclable materials, like agriculture materials
  3. Use more eco effective colors in their chemical labs.
All eyewear consumers are keen on eco friendly practices and they will help the development of this trend.

Debtocracy vs Private Label

The new word that came up in our everyday life is, Debtocracy. Not only in Greece, where the national debt has crushed, but in the worldwide economy the Debt crisis has changed the status quo of the market. Psychology has reached nadir and consumption has been reduced. And whats all about with private label?
Private label products have made a massive increase in the demand instead of the high brand products. But what are the characteristics a private label product has to have, especially in the eyewear market?

  1. Quality meets high standards. The advanced economies are not accepted to lower the quality of their products, so they push to good quality eyewear. 
  2. Ecological methods of production, materials or recycling. Sunglasses and optical frames have made their first steps through this trend. 
  3. Competitive prices (Value for Money Theory)
Debtocracy is the chance for private label to regain trust and loyalty.If you have seen the movie of Debtocracy you can understand that the turn of the customers, to private label products, is the next step of pressure to the markets.
Nea Optiki SA provides professional solutions for private label in sunglasses and optical frames with low limit order.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Private Label vs Quality

         The worldwide economical recession has affected the consumer principles and their preferences. The buying power of many millions of people is reduced and they have increased their preferences to lower price products. In the past the quality was almost same with brand loyalty. Nowadays, the quality has "divorced" from the brand awareness.
         In the eyewear market, as a mainly fashionable industry, the brand awareness is a big deal! Despite the economical recession the high brands have kept their connection to the high quality. The problem in that case is the price. The big players of the market, like Luxottica & Safilo, are running a more controlled production program in order not to flood the market with many expensive products and decrease their inventory turnover. Stock models for sunglasses, especially for Luxottica, are difficult to be found.
        The optician and in general the optical shop is called to buy Ray Ban in same price in wholesale and sell in a lower price due to low price demand. In order to raise the profit the private label products are more in the first place of their minds. But is private label good in quality?
        In this case the optician and the wholesaler has to be very careful. Chinese production most of the time is out of the box in quality control. The product genre is very important, especially the quality control and production. CE and made in EU or made in EU member is very important.
       The only barrier to this decision is the common mistake of the consumer to believe that Private Label products lack of quality. In this situation the optician first of all should be convinced 100% of the quality of the product. After that everything is easy, as the optician is the expert to suggest to his customer.

       Private label services in high quality products is the direct future of the eyewear market.

Angel Destounis is Financial Manager in Nea Optiki S.A.
Nea Optiki S.A. is providing high quality and flexible solutions about private label products in the industry of eyewear, sunglasses and optical frames.