Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ecological Materials ==> The new trend?

In a world that everyone thinks green and eco-friendly and all future research is based in ecological practises, the eyewear industry should not stay away from the field of the eco-battle.
Energy is getting green and many new materials have managed to substitute other materials which pollute the environment. I have not noticed any major improvement till now in the eyewear production and i believe that it;s about time to see the first steps from the big players, Luxottica & Safilo.
There are people who seek for eco-friendly sunglasses and eco-friendly spectacles. Who will manage to make the first move.
Till now we have the natural horn material which is a very interesting material for the eyewear industry, but the colors and the varnish they still use is inappropriate. But what exactly are we waiting from the industry?
  1. Packaging materials should be driven all 100% in ecological materials.
  2. Replace several materials that are oil products with more ecological and recyclable materials, like agriculture materials
  3. Use more eco effective colors in their chemical labs.
All eyewear consumers are keen on eco friendly practices and they will help the development of this trend.

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